Restore Church is a diverse community of faith learning to follow in the ways of Jesus – pursuing love, justice, and peace. We strive to love and welcome all as we join hands with our communities and our neighbors to work toward the restoration of all things in our homes, neighborhoods, cities, and throughout the world.

Our Values

  • We believe Jesus’s life was not just an example for us to follow, but an invitation to a new way of thinking and being in the world. So we regularly invite each other to take the path of radical, self-sacrificial love by laying down our rights, power, and privilege for the sake of others. We welcome everyone. There are no prerequisites, no mold to fit into, and no hoops to jump through. None of us are perfect, we’re simply on a journey together where all are invited to come as you are and join us in following the peculiar ways of the Crucified One.

  • We slow down and keep our eyes open to the work of the Spirit in and around us. Together we ask tough questions, leave room for doubts, and seek to discern truth in community with one another. We don’t claim to have all the answers. We are convinced that in order to follow Jesus we need to be informed by the past by listening to the story of Jesus found in the Bible, to be aware of and involved in the present by listening to each other’s stories in a safe and welcoming environment, and to be attentive to the future by collectively listening and discerning the leading of the Spirit in our neighborhoods and throughout the city. We seek to listen with open hands and open hearts.

  • We gather around tables to share meals and share stories. We share in all of life’s celebrations and sorrows. We give freely. We come together as equals and strive to leave no need unmet. We know sometimes life gets messy when we share it with others, but we firmly believe it’s in the messiness that community happens and relationships begin to bloom and flourish. We’re committed to the hard work of confronting our tendencies toward scarcity and consumption, and living into an economy of abundance.

  • We work for the good of our neighbors, for the good of the world, and for the good of future generations. We strive to live responsibly and humanely – caring for one another and the world we inhabit together. We believe justice and mercy go hand in hand, and that to pursue one is to pursue both together. We believe peace and restoration is not just a future we dream and hope for, but that it is already happening all around us. Together we seek to join in the work of bringing heaven to earth for all people in all places.

Our Practices

In addition to gathering for weekly worship, we believe another important part of our spiritual formation is to gather in spaces designed specifically for community and discipleship. We offer the following ways to connect with our community to form deeper relationships and to experience relational discipleship:

  • Communion creates a common bond. Something incredible happens in the seemingly mundane act of sharing food and drink with other people. Barriers come down. Friendship begins. Lives change. Eating and drinking together is a big part of life at Restore. MC is a weekly dinner gathering where we live out this practice of building relationships around the table. It’s not a Bible study, but rather a place for us to connect with others, share our stories, and begin to help one another along this journey of following in the ways of Jesus.

  • Discipleship Huddles build on what we do in MC’s by imitating Jesus's example of relational discipleship. We huddle as a way to help one another live out our core values as a community of faith — seeking to Follow Jesus, Look & Listen, Share Abundantly, & Work for Good. In Huddle we focus on helping each other learn to Look & Listen for the movement of the Holy Spirit and discern how to Follow Jesus by joining in that movement in a way that lines up with our unique gifting and abilities. The goal is ongoing transformation to look more like Jesus.

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